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Living Sustainably with Style

Living Sustainably with Style

Living Sustainably with Style

living sustainably with style
With the world’s 50th Earth Day fast approaching on April 22nd, now is a great time to look at the products we buy and think about where they come from, how they are made, and the greater impact they have on our environment. Pink & Navy carries plenty of amazing products that do good, give back, and don’t sacrifice quality or chicness. 
This Earth Day do some online shopping and feel good about giving back to both the planet and local shops amid the pandemic. Here are some of our top earth-conscious products and some tips to help you stay greener: 
Couture Planet products are beautiful bags made in the USA of post-consumer newspapers. Each bag features a headline from something culturally significant (arts, sports, fashion, food, and more) and truly is eco-conscious fashion. P&N carries a variety of their bags, from wristlets featuring Andy Warhol to a gorgeous handbag featuring the painting “Spring Study of Jeanne Demarsy.” Plus, Couture Planet is a woman-owned company!!
Green tip #1: Bringing your own bag is an excellent way of reducing waste. There are more and more viable options for reusable bags, including some that can compact to fit in your purse. That way, you always have at least one reusable bag with you on the go- even if you accidentally forgot all your bags for grocery shopping in the back of your car!!
Most sunscreens contain dangerous chemicals that have begun damaging our coral reefs, mangrove forests and other marine environments. The two main culprits are oxybenzone and octinoxate, both not contained in Sun Bum products. Sun bum also carries a mineral line that we love that is even more natural and great for both your skin and the planet’s health! On top of fantastic sunscreen products, P&N also carries some of Sunbum’s fun products like hair masks, tanning lotion, and SPF lip balm!!
This specific collection of Pura Vida donates 5% of the purchase price of this item to programs like Sea Turtle Conservancy, The Bee and Butterfly Habitat, The Oceanic Preservation Society, and The Elephant Sanctuary!!
Green tip #2: Say no to paper receipts at checkout- at P&N and some other stores the option to have a receipt emailed or texted is always available!!
We all remember the save the turtles craze from this past summer, with that trend came another one- bringing your own reusable straws to eat out! Decrease your single-use plastic consumption and get a laugh with our stainless steel straw kits that have funny sayings printed on the front!! “Saving the sea, one cocktail at a time.,” “Beach, please!,” and “Yes. I brought my own straw.,” just to name a few. 
Green tip #3: Leaving a reusable cup in your car to use when you go out to eat is another great way to reduce your single-use plastic! Lots of restaurants allow you to use your own cup for your fountain drinks, coffee, etc! Some even give discounts like Dunkin’ and Starbucks!!
30A is an amazing company that makes super cute shirts from plastic water bottles they buy out of landfills. The bottles are then shredded and spun with organic cotton and made into their wonderful shirts!!
4ocean bracelets are created with recycled plastic and glass bottles, and a small percent of the materials used are taken directly out of the ocean!! 4ocean is also extremely committed to cleaning up our oceans and, to date, has cleaned up over 8,000,000 lbs of plastic! The bracelets come in a variety of beautiful colors that are all meant to help spread awareness for different marine organisms and causes. 
Wishing everyone a healthy, greener, and stylish Earth Day! 
Pink & Navy
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