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A Jump Into 2022

A Jump Into 2022

The Year Of You 

It seems that every year we make a list of things we wish to change or do better starting January 1st, and as soon as we fall short of those resolutions we give up or fall hard on ourselves. When the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, the next 365 days should be full of love and adventures, and memories! You should not stress about what is to come in this new year with the resolutions you have made for yourself. Let 2022 be the year of taking care of yourself and putting yourself first. Eat that cupcake, book that trip you have been dreaming of, and live your life how you want to because the last thing you want in life is to look back and regret anything because it did not fit in your picture-perfect resolution. Here's to the year of you! 

Our Most Popular Post

It is always interesting to look back on a year of posts from social media and even more interesting to see what your followers loved the most! Well, this was one of our most popular instagram posts of 2021! We love finding unique Anna Maria Island goodies that go beyond just average souvenirs. Some of our personal favorites are the oven mitts and real housewives tumblrs. Stay tuned through this year to see what we add to our collection of AMI items! 

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